
From Neuchâtel, Switzerland Hummus Records

Trounce from Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Behind TROUNCE’s boastful name hides the Roadburn-instilled new projet of Jonathan Nido (mastermind of Hummus Records and guitar player in the infamous Coilguns) : the European Mecca of heavy music commissions Hummus Records in 2022 for a exclusive projet to present on stage this year’s festival.

To honor that flattering proposal, Nido digs up from his covid-drawers some Dark Funeral inspired riffs, and gather a troup of noisemongers surrounding the label: the staggering Luc Hess (Coilguns, Louis Jucker, Closet Disco Queen) on drums, the falsely retired Renaud Meichtry (Kruger) on vocals, the young prodigy Léa Martinez (Svarts, Etienne Machine) on Moog and vocals, Naser Ardelean (Yrre) on guitar and the noisy Anna Sauter (Yrre, Dubuk) on samplers – with the massive help of Kevin Galland’s live sound and Guillaume Ducommun’s impressive lightshow.

TROUNCE play their seminal show on April 2023 in Tilburg (NL), blowing away the 2000 people attending Roadurn’s “Terminal” stage that day. In the meanwhile, what might have looked like a black-metal parade has turned into hybrid and epic reckless rock, merging ferocious blastbeats with shoegaze, doom, noise and refreshing punkness.

TROUNCE then dives, with reduced personal including Icare’s Axel Vuille on drums, in the recording of “The Seven Crows”: a frantic interpretation of Roadburn repertoire boosted with another five shellacking songs. The eleven pieces switch from nocturnal to solar, feature epic charges and metallic bulk, topped with vocals between preaching and vociferation, about the usual topics – a lot of people dying, God the Father and the other way round.

The project serves as a playground for Jonathan Nido's artistic deviations, and the band aims to deliver a complete experience from the studio to the live environment. With photographs by Roberto Romano and illustrations by Bryan Maita, Trounce also offers a very bleak yet beautiful visual landscape to complement their work.

Check Out Videos from Trounce
  • Jonathan Nido
  • Luc Hess
  • Renaud Meichtry
  • Léa Martinez
    Moog and Vocals
  • Naser Ardelean
  • Anna Sauter
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