
From Sweden Metal Blade Records

Portrait from Sweden

For almost 20 years, Portrait from Sweden have delivered their ‘heavy metal darkness‘ to the world. The bands’ development since the debut demo in 2006 is remarkable. Ever since then, Portrait has managed to develop and stretch their sound into several territories, without losing touch with their original core. Their current day live shows are testimony enough of this, in which songs from the first album or even the Welcome to My Funeral demo can be thrown into the set and blend in perfectly with songs from later releases, even though the songwriting and musicianship have developed greatly since the early days of the band.

According to the band themselves, their evolution is a result of the goal of finding their own identity as a band. Musical influences will always be part of that process, but the important thing is that the music is mainly channeled from within, rather than from any outside sources. In this way, the music becomes an extension of the songwriter and that process is according to Portrait something essential in order for contemporary music to become interesting.

  • Per Lengstedt
  • Christian Lindell
  • Karl Gustafsson
  • Fredrik Petersson
  • Anders Persson
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