Warmen Present "A World of Pain" Animated Music Video

Finnish metal masters WARMEN have premiered a new animated music video for "A World of Pain" off of last year's successful Hear For None (Reaper Entertainment) album.

The fully animated video clip was created by students in the Bachelor Of Design (Animation & Interactive Media) program at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. Producers Aaron McLoughlin and Simon Norton, along with their team, spent around 3000 hours creating the video and the result is a stunning animated short film.

The band comments, “We're delighted to announce that we've now got an animated video from RMIT University, and we have to say, it's fantastic. It's an incredible visual firework that matches our song, ‘A World Of Pain’ which is probably the most brutal song on the last album. It's always fun to play it live. It’s very different from what we've ever done before. Have fun watching it!

Dan Craley
Gotten Out By
Dan Craley

Dan started Getting It Out back in 2018 as a stand alone podcast. He’s been writing for music websites for over a decade and finally decided to start his own. Now living in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with his wife and kids, he briefly sang for Baltimore’s Pleasant Living.

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